Development of master curricula for Electrical Energy Markets and Engineering Education - ELEMEND

Contract number 585681-EEP-1-2017-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP


                The new paradigms of electricity grids and markets require that staff employed in electrical  energy related jobs as well as electricity end users are properly educated and trained. The electrical engineering curricula in WBC, formed to serve the conventional model of one large scale power grid, owned and operated by one company, need to adapt. 

                ELEMEND is designed to facilitate electrical engineering curricula in WBC to be competitive through teaching and training in smart gird and microgrid technologies and electricity markets. Courses at the BSc level and a MSc programme will be developed; academic and technical staff will be trained; new ICT tools, such as e-learning platforms and gamified content combined with blended learning, will be used; an  internship programme will be put in place for the most motivated of the ELEMEND students; a University – enterprise network will be created within the project, around the core group of the ELEMEND industrial partners. 

                The ELEMEND laboratories will be accessible to all partners and are expected to attract research funding while ELEMEND graduates are expected to have increased employability rates and play a leading role in their field. The student projects carried out in ELEMEND labs in the third project year will focus on real‐life problems and are expected to attract the interest of relevant stakeholders. Outputs, such as the e‐learning courses, the gamified applications, the virtual labs, the new courses and Master’s programme are expected to engage new students and relevant target groups after the lifetime of the project as well as enhance public’s awareness.  


                ELEMEND aims to provide, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo* with high profile professionals in intelligent microgrid technologies and emerging electrical energy markets in line with societal and market needs in the Western Balkans. Capacity building in engineering academic staff and students as well as in the general public (through dissemination activities) will create a favourable envirronment for energy related business and will modify the electricity user’s behaviour.
*According to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244

      More specifically the ELEMEND objectives are:
  1. To increase capacity building for study in smart grids offered both in English and in local languages at BSc and MSc level at 9 WBC HEIs.
  2. To develop, accredit and implement new courses in smart grids at the BSc (6 courses) levels at the 8 WBC HEIs invloved in the project by the end of the project
  3. To develop, accredit and implement new MSc programme (8/12 courses – 60/120 ECTS) in the field of smart grids and electricity market according to Bologna requirements and the new developments in smart grids by the end of the project
  4. To introduce new ICT tools as a self-learning tools in participating WBC institutions
  5. To increase employability by targeting WBC labor market needs in smart grid field


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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